
Fake Tan 野生日曬膚色

Sun Chen: 黑,你好嗎?我是孫晨

Jo: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Sun Chen: 沒錯。其實英語噹中,最经常使用的就是很多多少個習慣用語。這些個詞組英國人用的最多,可是很多多少我們又從字典裏找不到。所以明天我們的節目确定會對您有所幫助。那我們古天要說的詞組又是什麼呢?

Jo: Today’s phrase is fake tan. That’s two words – fake. F.A.K.E and tan T.A.N. Fake tan.

Sun Chen: 那這個fake tan又是什麼意思呢?

Jo: Well a tan refers to your skin getting darker when you spend time in the sun.

Sun Chen: 我清楚了。這兒的英國人啊,皆認為曬黑了的皮膚最难看。

Jo: That’s right, most British people want to have a sun tan. Unfortunately, Britain isn’t a sunny country. That’s why some people buy fake tan from the chemist and put it on their skin.

Sun Chen: 要這麼說,fake tan就是假裝曬黑。人們把他們的皮膚涂上這種化妝品,看起來仿佛他們的皮膚是真的被太陽曬黑了一樣。

Jo: Exactly.


A: Wow – you’ve got a really good tan. Have you been on holiday?

B: No. It’s fake tan. I bought it at the chemist’s.

Sun Chen: Do you ever use fake tan, Jo?

Jo: No. I don’t like it. I prefer to go to a sunny beach and get a real tan. Anyway, let’s recap,遠見. Today’s phrase is fake tan.

Sun Chen: Fake tan – 一種讓皮膚看起來漆黑的化妝品

Jo: You&rsquo,美加;ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English.

Sun Chen: 更多隧道英語,別忘了隨時查詢我們的網站 bbc.co.uk/china/learningenglish.

Jo: See you next time.Jo: Hello, this is Real English from BBC Learning English, I’m Jo
Sun Chen: 黑,你好嗎?我是孫晨

Jo: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Sun Chen: 沒錯。其實英語噹中,最常用的就是好多個習慣用語。這些個詞組英國人用的最多,可是好多我們又從字典裏找不到。所以今天我們的節目必定會對你有所幫助。那我們今天要說的詞組又是什麼呢?

Jo: Today’s phrase is fake tan. That’s two words – fake,美加翻譯. F.A.K.E and tan T.A.N. Fake tan.

Sun Chen: 那這個fake tan又是什麼意义呢?

Jo: Well a tan refers to your skin getting darker when you spend time in the sun.

Sun Chen: 我明确了。這兒的英國人啊,都認為曬黑了的皮膚最都雅。

Jo: That’s right, most British people want to have a sun tan. Unfortunately, Britain isn’t a sunny country. That’s why some people buy fake tan from the chemist and put it on their skin.

Sun Chen: 要這麼說,fake tan便是假裝曬乌。人們把他們的皮膚涂上這種化妝品,看起來似乎他們的皮膚是实的被太陽曬黑了一樣。

Jo: Exactly.


A: Wow – you’ve got a really good tan. Have you been on holiday?

B: No. It’s fake tan. I bought it at the chemist’s.

Sun Chen: Do you ever use fake tan, Jo?

Jo: No. I don’t like it. I prefer to go to a sunny beach and get a real tan. Anyway, let’s recap. Today’s phrase is fake tan.

Sun Chen: Fake tan – 一種讓皮膚看起來乌黑的化妝品

Jo: You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English.

Sun Chen: 更多隧道英語,別记了隨時查詢我們的網站 bbc.co.uk/china/learningenglish.

Jo: See you next time.

