LZ: Jessica, you won't believe it! Last night, I met the funniest guy ever!
Jessica: No way! 他怎樣好玩女了?Did he wear bunny ears?
LZ: 頭上戴著兔耳朵?這類是幼兒園級的搞笑,沒勁! 這人的特点是,每句話皆特逗,可是自身素來不笑! 對了,這種冷滑稽正在英語裏要怎麼說呢?
Jessica: We call that dry humor. With dry humor, the emphasis is not on funny facial expressions or exaggerated body moves, rather, it's the joke itself that's really humorous.
LZ: 哦,dry humor, 不靠誇年夜的心境跟止動,純潔靠笑話本身好笑。The guy I was talking about did have a dry sense of humor.
Jessica: I bet he kept a straight face while telling jokes that made everyone else laugh their pants off!
LZ: exactly! 别人皆笑翻了,便他自己裏無臉色天持續講。这人的熱風趣正在party上特受人懽收。之前大家為了找樂子,頂多就是講几個葷段子。哎?那“葷段子”又要怎樣讲呢?
Jessica: We call them "off-color jokes." The most common off-color jokes are about sex, but they can also touch on violence, ethnic groups or other impolite topics.
LZ: 本來葷段子就是off-color jokes, 除情色內容,借能夠是别的有觸犯性的話題。
Jessica: Off-color jokes can be really offensive to those who aren't that close to you or don't share your sense of humor. So, use them carefully.
LZ: 出錯,講葷段子得分對甚麼人,不死的伴侶可別講! 啊,說了這麼多段子,风趣,我實是蠢蠢慾動!
Jessica: What? Give what a try?
LZ: 我本來就是個特有詼諧感的人,我觉得我能成一單口相聲演員!
Jessica: A standup comedian? You?
LZ: 本來, Standup comedian 便是單心相聲演員,那行,I'll make standup comedian one of my career goals!
Jessica: Is this dry humor? 'Cos I didn't get it!
LZ: 来日偺們教了,热幽默是dry humor; 葷段子off-color jokes; 單古道热肠相聲演員是standup comedian.