
愛上几米,愛上愛-Love Jimmy, love love

Sometimes, once like something ,we cannot extricate ourself, such as Jimmy's beautiful words .After reading his book,there is always a faint of grief lingering in our heart and can't be relieved with anything .perhaps it is the magic of Jimmy .it is the magic of grief .A faint of grieve and sadness reminds us of the crazy childish and paranoid past .From 《 a smiling fish》to《turn left ,turn right 》,from《 if the moon forget us》to《the starry sky 》 ,we not only get touched but also reflect on our past .
In this materialistic society, pure love is like a flowers growing in a vacuum and death is the only choice .we are too obstinate to accept the true so we have a try definitely. Until tears roll down our cheeks ,we finally realize that we have to love according to our abilities Then we with a hurt feelings ,lay curled up in Jimmy 'world , weep quietly and begin to become mature. Because of Jimmy , we have a better understanding of ourselves; Because of Jimmy, we have a better understanding of love. So , let us read the following sentences and smile for ourselves
I enjoy lying against you,at an angle of 45 degrees。
I will be happy anywhere in the world. •
Before falling at right angles,
Do hold me tenderly at a straight angle !


