
英語經常应用書里語[8] Giving advice and opinions

英語經常应用書里語[8] Giving advice and opinions 勸告並提出见解

706. If you want my advice,I don't think you should go.
707. I suggest that you tear up the letter and start over again.
708. It's only a suggestion,and you can do what you please.
709. Let me give you a little fatherly advice.
710. If you don't like it ,I wish you would say so.
711. Please don't take offense,英漢翻譯.I only wanted to tell you what I think.
712. In my opinion,the house isn't worth the price they're asking.
713. My feeling is that you ought to stay home tonight.
714. It's none of my business,but I think you ought to work harder.
715. In general,my reaction is favorable.
716. If you don't take my advice,you'll be sorry.
717,翻譯. I've always tried not to interfere in your affairs.
718. I'm old enough to make up my own mind.
719. Thanks for the advice,but this is something I have to figure out myself.
720. He won't pay attention to anybody.You're just wasting your breath.

