
【媒體英語】Jurassic bugs 最老崑蟲琥珀

  媒體英語會帶大家一路學習 BBC 撰稿人正在報讲世界年夜事時經常应用到的單詞跟短語。

  【導讀】科學傢們說,他們在意大年夜利北部的阿爾卑斯山天區發現了一種有史以來保存無缺的最陳腐崑蟲琥珀。這一國際科研結果登載正在最新發表的《國傢科學院學報》上。BBC 記者 Mark Duff 有以下報講:

  High in the Dolomites of northeastern Italy, Italian researchers chipping away at rocks formed more than 200 million years ago found two miniscule mites and a flypreserved in tiny drops of amber.


Highly-magnifiedphotographs of the creatures show the mites, in particular, to be perfectly preserved. At 230 million years old, they',日譯中;re about 100 million years older than the oldest previous find of their kind.

  The bugs probably fed off the leaves of the tree in whose resin they were eventually preserved. Researchers say the discovery shows the mites' ability to adapt to changing evolutionary conditions. For film lovers, though, it has striking echoes of the Stephen Spielberg blockbuster, Jurassic Park, in which a team of scientists use the DNA of a mosquito preserved in amber to recreate dinosaurs with predictably terrifying results.

  Quiz 聽力測試

  What have scientists found?

  How many years have they been preserved?

  What does the phrase 「striking echoes」 mean?

  Who was the film director of Jurassic Park?

  Glossary 辭匯表

  · chipping away at剝降,敲鑿(化石)

  · miniscule極小的

  · preserved殘缺保存的

  · magnified放大的

  · resin樹脂,緊噴鼻

  · adapt適應

  · striking echoes驚人的類似之處

  ·,中英文翻譯; predictably可預見天

